Friday, 15 April 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Message in a Jacket

As soon as Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont appeared onstage Thursday night for the Democratic debate, we probably should have known we were in for an evening of opposition.

Unlike the Republican candidates who often dress so interchangeably for their debates that they look like they are auditioning for a chorus line (dark two-button suit, white shirt and a red or blue tie), Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Sanders were in colors from fairly different ends of the spectrum.

White versus gray. You can probably guess who wore what.

It’s very doubtful this happened by accident. If Mrs. Clinton wanted to stand in contrast to a man who was, by default, going to be in a dark suit, her choice of a white jacket was pretty obvious. Onstage, the immediate message was one of clear differentiation.

(In contrast, she wore a yellow raised-collar jacket to the Wisconsin debate in February, and the online community took a long detour from the issues to argue about whether the color was “banana” or “mustard.”)

Plus, of course, there are a number of subliminal associations we all have with the color white, beginning with the most obvious one that presumably the campaign hopes people will take away: She is New York’s white knight.

A number of people on Twitter immediately started sharing posts about “Olivia Pope vibes.”
(The jacket’s belted trench-coat style had something to do with this.) Ms. Pope, a political fixer in the TV show “Scandal,” is famous not only for wearing white (at least in the show’s first seasons) but also for calling her staff members “gladiators” and telling them they are the “good guys.”

Then there is the fact that white is also often linked with new beginnings, cleanliness and purity, which, if your motives are continuously being questioned by your opponent, might be a helpful visual riposte.

All of which is to say, a few months after adopting the camouflage of dark suits, it looks as if Mrs. Clinton has changed tactics. She’s playing the clothing card, and she’s playing it well.

Written By Vanessa Friedman

Source: New York Times

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